Category Archives: History

Getting Some Help

By now, I had prepared two emergency motions, filed one, and had it dismissed.  I had faced a foreclosure that was postponed within 24 hours of the scheduled date.  And I also had a modification file open with Bank of … Continue reading

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Full Complaint Filed

I now had my full complaint prepared, along with an emergency motion for a temporary restraining order, and all other supporting documentation.  I also had the proper addresses and procedures for serving papers on the defendants, and was ready to … Continue reading

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The Verdict – No Response

With a foreclosure pending on November 1st, I was hoping to get a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) issued promptly.  Toward that end, I had included an Emergency Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order, along with an Ex Parte Order granting … Continue reading

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Going Public?

Personally, when given a choice, I usually opt to be fully transparent whenever possible.  That means going public with all that’s going on in my life, even when it is not popular, or likely to be misconstrued or misunderstood (for … Continue reading

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Tell it to the Judge(s)

With my foreclosure now days away, and my assigned judge gone for the week without ruling on my motion, I was running out of time to stop the foreclosure with a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO).  As a last ditch effort, … Continue reading

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We Are Not Alone

Within hours of our press release going out, we had received many comments from other homeowners who had stories very similar to ours.  We were also contacted by members of the media (who have yet to cover this story), as … Continue reading

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Verified, Certified, Etc.

While being yelled at by a judge is no fun, it was an excellent learning experience for me. My case, as it turns out, had many documents that were titled “verified” and “certified,” when in fact, none of them were … Continue reading

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Down to the Wire

With less than 24 hours until our home is sold on the courthouse steps, I head over to the Cherokee County Courthouse in my last attempt to get a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to stop the foreclosure on our home. … Continue reading

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Here We Go Again

When I last spoke to the bank on October 31st, the contact who let me know that our foreclosure had been postponed also told me that the bank had changed their procedures, and we would now be assigned a single … Continue reading

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Another Foreclosure Action Begins

On this day, we receive another Fair Debt Collection Practices Act notice.  It declairs that we owe a debt, and that we have 30 days to respond if we dispute the debt. We’ve seen this one before.  It is the … Continue reading

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